Tess Kvale, the designer & founder of Hello Tess, comes from a family with a deep love for needlepoint. Her mother has been a needlepoint designer for decades, known for her designs for The Silver Needle, Colonial Needlepoint and her own line, Doolittle Stitchery.
Tess's mom, Beth, taught her how to stitch needlepoint back in 2015 when she had hit an uncertain point in her life. She quickly realized how relaxing and meditative needlepoint can be. Once Beth saw how feverishly Tess took to needlepoint, she taught her how to stitch paint needlepoint canvas and that's where it all began. Tess hasn't looked back since. She claims that needlepoint saved her life and has allowed her to erase the distinctions between work and play.
Tess' vagabond lifestyle and love for travel and different cultures has inspired a lot of her work. She feels most comfortable in nature, surrounded by happy plants and strives for a creative lifestyle, actively captivated by alternative ideals of beauty.
Tess is an animal lover and her motto is "nature rules." Some of her other favorite things - making the first tracks in fresh snow, bonfires, good documentaries, music that will give you goosebumps, salvaged goods, dynamic floral arrangements, shag rugs, rattan chairs, earth tones, weathered woods, brilliant shades of blue, and collecting woven baskets.
One of her favorite quotes is "The meaning of life is to find your gift. The purpose of life is to give it away." -William Shakespeare